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剖透视图  ©gmp Architekten一层进站大厅  ©Schran Images

设计单位  gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所+中国铁路设计集团有限公司

项目地点  北京丰台

建成时间  2022年

建筑面积  40万平方米




With the new Fengtai Station in Beijing, the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) have completed a complex transport building.



In terms of square area, it is Asia's largest railway station and the first railway station in China, in which the tracks for high-speed trains are located above those for normal trains, which significantly reduces the footprint area of the station.


东入口立面  ©Schran Images主入口立面局部  ©Schran Images立面局部  ©Schran Images


Under its seemingly floating roof the new station – with two levels above ground and a floor area of almost 400,000 square meters – combines a system of different transport lines.



Twelve tracks for the high-speed trains going north/south from Beijing to Hong Kong and from Zhangjiakou to Shanghai are located as terminus station at the top level. The conventional railway lines with 20 tracks are at level 0, and two underground lines are at the level below. With these services, Fengtai Station will be an important new transport intersection and the largest of Beijing's three intercity railway stations. At peak times it is expected that up to 14,000 passengers will use the station to arrive, depart or change trains.


一层进站大厅  ©Schran Images二层候车大厅  ©Schran Images


Fengtai Station has been in existence since 1896 and is located at the 4th Ring Road to the south-west of the city center. After a competition in 2010, gmp and China Railway Design Corporation were commissioned with the rebuilding of the station; in 2016, the design was revised, and building work started in 2018. The construction period was only just over three years.



The upgrade of Fengtai Station provides relief for Beijing's other two large intercity stations, South Station and West Station, and improves connections between the suburbs and the city infrastructure, as well as benefiting Fengtai District.


高速车场站台  ©Schran Images出站扶梯  ©Schran Images


With its colonnade-style facade and the high, naturally lit entrance hall, which – similar to an airport – also contains retail outlets in addition to the check-in and security zones, the station is an important new transport hub.



The building has a symmetrical layout and is accessible from all sides. Travelers arriving from the city on foot can access the station from the north and south via two large public spaces. Motorized traffic approaches at the level above, from where there is access to the departure area with waiting zones, ticket counters and shops.


中央光庭  ©Schran Images


An important element of the design concept was to bring in plenty of daylight to help travelers find their way through the building. Continuous rooflights in the 495-meter-long roof, as well as the glass facades, admit much natural light to the interior, some of which is conducted to the lower levels via sun tunnels.


中央光庭  ©Schran Images商业街  ©Schran Images


The roof has been fully fitted with solar modules that are designed to generate 7 million kilowatt hours of eco-power per year, supplying partly the station's electricity requirement. The building was awarded "China 3-Star Green Building" certification.


快速进站厅  ©Schran Images普速出站厅  ©Schran Images


设计图纸 ▽


总平面图  ©gmp Architekten-11.50米层平面图  ©gmp Architekten0.00米层平面图  ©gmp Architekten10.00米层平面图  ©gmp Architekten23.00米层平面图  ©gmp Architekten剖面图  ©gmp Architekten



[1] 公众号“中国铁路”文章《从“北京最早”到“亚洲最大”,北京丰台站华丽“变身”!》:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/dnCL8oe1Il2o786zfCISWQ




项目负责人:姜琳琳、Marco Assandri


设计团队:Sebastian Beyer、Lene-Marie Brüggemeier、Graciano Macarrón Stamp、Maarten Harms、韩越、李然、李峥、Sebastian Linack、刘璐华、刘虓、马源、Mulyanto、苏俊、王俊文、王硕、王妍、邢九洲、余毅南、翟骋骋、周维、Jan-Peter Deml、袁涛、Thilo Zehme



Design: Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Stephan Rewolle
Project Lead: Jiang Linlin, Marco Assandri
Project Management: Li Ling, Xie Fang
Team: Sebastian Beyer, Lene-Marie Brüggemeier, Graciano Macarrón Stamp, Maarten Harms, Han Yue, Li Ran, Li Zheng, Sebastian Linack, Liu Luhua, Liu Xiao, Ma Yuan, Mulyanto, Su Jun, Wang Junwen, Wang Shuo, Wang Yan, Xing Jiuzhou, Yu Yinan, Zhai Chengcheng, Zhou Wei, Jan Peter Deml, Yuan Tao, Thilo Zehme
Client: China Railway

Partnerfirm in China: China Railway Design Corporation

GFA 400.000 m2
Completion 2022

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