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莱克生产的进口电动阀,驱动方式可选用手动、气动、电动,连接方式可选用法兰、焊接、内螺纹、对焊、承插焊,结构形式可选用,密封结构可选用软密封、硬密封,压力范围PN1.6MPA-400MPA,公称通径为DN15MM-1200MMmm,材质可选用不锈钢(304、316、316L)铸钢。由于阀门的使用范围非常的广泛,同一种阀门在不同的场合与工况有不同的搭配,如果您是非专业人士,欢迎您向本公司来电咨询。本公司有专业技术人员为您服务!技术部电话:13826088101 | |||||||||||||||||||
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进口电动球阀选择的依据是什么?是控制元件,在流体管道系统的应用中,是非常广泛的,它的用途也非常多,对控制流量、压力、回流等等,都有非常好的效果。由于电动球阀质量的好坏,对管道的安全性,有很大的影响,所以在选择电动球阀的时候,一定要按照一定的步骤和依据进行挑选。 电动球阀选择的依据是什么?1、明确自己公司的管道的口径,知道需要选择什么样口径和连接方式的电动球阀。2、根据管道的需要,先确定电动球阀的一些常见参数,比如排放能力、可以允许的流阻、阀座孔的通径大小 等等,这些参数如果没有选对,电动球阀控制流量的效果,就会大打折扣。3、根据管道的工作温度,选择合适的材质,当然,管道的工作压力,也是要考虑在内 的。 另外,还要提醒的是,不要急着去挑选产品,要先了解现在流行的电动球阀产 品有哪些、性能如何,而了解这些最好的方法,就是联系多家电动球阀的生产企业,让他们提供产品目录、样式等等,货比三家,才能选择到性价比最高的产品。 译文:
What is the basis for the choice of electric valve? Is the control element, in the application of fluid pipeline system, is a very broad, its use is very much also, to control the flow, pressure, flow and so on, have very good results. Because the electric ball valve quality, safety of pipeline, have a great impact, so in the choice of electric valve, must be seleced in accordance with the procedures and according to certain. What is the basis for the choice of electric valve? 1, clear the pipeline his company's caliber, know electric valve need to choose what kind of caliber and connection method. 2, according to the pipeline needs, to identify some common parameters of electric ball valve, such as discharge capacity, can allow the flow resistance, the valve seat hole diameter size and so on, these parameters if not elected to the electric ball valve, flow control effect, will be greatly reduced. 3, according to the working temperature of the pipeline, selecting suitable material, of course, the operating pressure of the pipeline, but also take into account. In addition, but also to remind is, do not rush to the selection of products, we should first understand the electric ball valve products popular now what, how performance, and know the best method, is much home electric ball valve manufacturing enterprises, allowing them to provide product catalog, style and so on, goods than three, we can choose to the highest cost- effective products. ![]() 电动装置选型、确定功能要求时所须注意的要点
![]() 原文:
电动装置选型、确定功能要求时所须注意的要点: 1.确定电动装置的IP防护等级; 2.确定电动装置的电源电压; 3.确定电动装置的90°运行时间; 4.确定电动执行器的形式; 5.其他事项. 阀门电动装置另有操作力矩、操作推力、输出轴转动圈数、阀杆直径、输出转速及电动机功率等主要参数。该部分参数均应由专业制造厂家确定。水系统阀门电动装置工作的环境通常为常温,而一般电动装置的使用环境温度是-20~120℃,所以可不提明确要求。 译文:
Electric equipment type selection, to determine the functional requirements required to pay attention to the point: 1. To determine the electric actuator IP protection grade; 2. Determine the voltage of power supply electric actuator; 3. Determine the 90 ° running time of the electric device; 4. Determine the shape of electric actuators; 5. Other matters. Otherwise operating the valve electric actuator torque, thrust operation, output shaft rotation circle number, stem diameter, main parameters, such as output rotational speed and power. This part of the parameters should be determined by the professional manufacturers. Water system of valve electric device work environment is usually at room temperature, and general electric actuator using the environment temperature is 20 ~ 55 ℃, so don't make a clear request. ![]() 进口气动球阀的特点及性能规范
1、流体阻力小、球阀是所有阀类中流体阻力最小的一种,即使是缩径球阀,其流体阻力也相当小。 2、止推轴承减小阀杆磨擦力矩,可使阀杆长期操作平稳灵活。 3、阀座密封性能好,采用聚四氟乙烯等弹性材料制成的密封圈,结构易于密封,而且球阀的阀封能力随着介质压力的增高而增大。 4、阀杆密封可靠,由于阀杆只作反转动运而不做升降运动,阀杆的填料密封不易破坏,且密封能力随着介质的压力增高而增大。 5、由于聚四氟乙烯等材料具有良好的自润滑性,与球体的磨擦损失小,故球阀的使用寿命长。 6、下装式阀杆和阀杆头部凸阶防止阀杆喷出,如火灾造成阀杆密封破坏,凸阶与阀体间还可形成金属接触,确保阀杆密封。 7、 防静电功能:在球体、阀杆、阀体之间设置弹簧,能将开关过程产生的静电导出。 执行机构采用新型系列GT型气动执行器,有双作用式和单作用式(弹簧复位),齿轮齿条传动,安全可靠;大口径阀门采用系列AW型气动执行器拔叉式传动,结构合理,输出扭矩大,有双作用式和单作用式 1、齿轮式双活塞,输出力矩大,体积小。 2、气缸选用铝金材料,重量轻、外形美观。 3、可在顶部、底部安装手动操作机构。 4、齿条式连接可调节开启角度、额定流量。 5、执行器可选带电讯号反馈指示及各类附件以实现自动化操作。 6、IS05211标准连接为产品的安装更换提供了方便。 7、两端调的节螺钉可使标准产品在0°和90°有±4°的可调范围。确保与阀门的同步精度。 附件的选项根据不同控制和要求可选择下列附件:切断型附件:单电控电磁阀、双电控电磁阀、限位开关回讯器。 调节型附件:电气定位器、气动定位器、电气转换器。 气源处理附件:空气过滤减压阀、气源处理三联件。 手动机构:ZTSD手操机构 性能规范 公称通径mm DN15-300 材料代号 主要零件 阀 体 WCB ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti ZG1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 球 体 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9Ti 1Cr18Ni12MoTi 阀 杆 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9Ti 1Cr18Ni12MoTi 密封圈 增强聚四氟乙烯 对位聚苯 填 料 聚四氟乙烯 柔性石墨 适用工况 适用介质 蒸汽、水、油品 硝酸类 醋酸类 适用温度 -28℃ - 300℃ 进口V型调节球阀的主要特点
![]() V型调节球阀由于球芯带有V型结构,对阀座具有剪切作用。因此适用于造纸、化工、冶金等工业企业中含有纤维或微小固体颗粒的悬浊液介质中对有关工艺参数的控制,特别适用于制浆、造纸生产过程中的纸浆、白水、黑液、白液等悬浮颗粒的流体及浓、浊浆状流体介质的自动调节V型调节球阀主要特点
1、具有弹性负荷压力辅助密封座保证阀座与球芯自努至终的紧密接触 2、具有整体式的阀体结构,不存在产生潜在泄漏的可能 3、具有等百分比特性,有很宽的控制范围和特别稳定的控制过程,可广泛用应于多种工艺流程中 4、阀杆和球芯采用渐开线花键连接,当齿廓受载时,齿上有径向力能起自动定心作用,且各齿受力均匀使之强度高、寿命长 进口硬密封球阀的维修注意事项:
![]() 硬密封球阀在关闭状态下,阀体内部依旧存在受压流体
清洗剂应与球阀中的橡胶件、塑料件、金属件及工作介质(例如燃气)等均相容。工作介质为燃气时,可用汽油(GB484- 89)清洗金属零件。非金属零件用纯净水或酒精清洗
译文: Hard seal ball valve maintenance Note:
hard seal ball valve in the closed position, the valve body remains pressurized fluid
repair, remove line pressure and the valve is in the open position
maintenance, disconnect the power supply or source
maintenance, the actuator and the support from
must identify the valve on the downstream pipeline pressure has indeed dropped after attempting to disassemble the operation
decomposition and re assembly must be careful to prevent damage to parts of the sealing surface, especially non-metallic parts, remove the O-type ring should use special tool
bolts on the flange must tighten the symmetry, gradually and evenly
cleaning agent should be with the ball in the rubber parts, plastic parts, metal parts and the working medium (such as a gas) are compatible. Working medium for the gas, the gas can be used (GB484-89) to clean metal parts. Pure water or alcohol to clean the with non metal parts
break down the individual parts can be cleaned using immersion method. metal non metal still did not break down the left can be used to clean fine clean silk impregnated with cleaning agents (to prevent adhesion of fiber loss on the part) scrub. To be cleaned to remove all the adhesive on the wall of the grease, dirt, rubber product, dust and so on
non-metallic parts should be cleaned immediately removed from the cleaning agent, not soak a long time
need to be cleaned by washing the wall after volatile cleaning agent (cleaning agent can not dip silk rub) for assembly, but not a long time use, otherwise it will rust, the dust pollution
The new parts also need to be cleaned before assembly
use grease lubrication. Greases are compatible with the ball valve metal materials, rubber parts, plastic parts and the working medium. Working medium for the gas, can be used as special grease 221. Seals installed in the groove on the surface coated with a thin layer of grease on the rubber seal is coated with a thin layer of grease, valve stem sealing surface and the friction surface coated with a thin layer of grease
hard seal ball valve assembly should have metal fragments, fiber, fat is not allowed (except the requirement to use) dust and other impurities, foreign matter contamination, adhesion, or stay on the surface or in part into the cavity
⑴ 球阀前后管线已准备好。前后管道应同轴,两法兰密封面应平行。管道应能 承受球阀的重量,否则管道上必须配有适当的支撑。⑵ 把阀前后管线吹扫干净,清除掉管道内的油污、焊渣和一切其它杂质。⑶ 核对球阀的标志查明球阀完好无损。将阀全开全闭数次证实其工作正常。
⑷ 拆去球阀两端连接法兰上的保护件。
⑸ 检查阀孔清除可能有的污物,然后清洗阀孔。阀座与球之间即使仅有微小颗 粒的异物也可能会损伤阀座密封面。 2、开始安装球阀 ⑴ 把阀装上管线。阀的任何一端都可装在上游端。用手柄驱动的阀可安装在管 道上的任意位置。但带有齿轮箱或气动驱动器的球阀应直立安装,即安装在 水平管道上,且驱动装置处于管道上方。
⑵ 阀法兰与管线法兰间按管路设计要求装上密封垫。
⑶ 法兰上的螺栓需对称、逐次、均匀拧紧。
⑷ 连接气动管线(采用气动驱动器时)。 3、球阀安装后的检查 ⑴ 操作驱动器启、闭球阀数次,应灵活无滞涩,证实其工作正常。 ⑵ 按管路设计要求对管道与球阀间的法兰结合面进行密封性能检查 |

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