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2012-01-17 11:09建筑市场












        中国节能协会成立于1989年, 是经民政部注册的节能行业的一级社团组织。中国节能协会上级主管部门是国家质检总局,在业务上受国家发展和改革委员会、工业和信息化部的指导。协会的业务 范围涉及电力、煤炭、石油、机械、电子、冶金、化工、铁道、交通、建材、有色、环保等行业及部门,拥有众多企业会员。











 中国节能协会理事长 傅志寰先生











  l  为政府服务:做好国家政策法规的研究与宣贯、节能信息传播、政策调研等工作。

  l  为企业服务:建立以企业为主体的节能信息交流平台,为企业提供节能方面的技术咨询及信息服务。

  l  为社会服务:面向社会开展节能宣传、普及节能知识、提高全社会节能意识。














































l       宣传中国政府的能源、原材料节约的方针和政策,促进企业节能降耗,提高能源利用效率;

l       组织收集、整理和交流国内外能源、原材料节约的先进技术与信息,编辑出版有关出版物;

l       主持研发节能、环保和新能源方面的新技术和新产品;

l       推广节能节材及资源综合利用(环保)新技术、新工艺、新材料和新产品,开展有偿服务;

l       组织各种形式的培训,使管理人员、技术人员了解节能在经济发展和环境保护中的作用。提高他们的管理和专业技术水平;

l       受政府委托,在全国范围内推荐优秀节能产品、节能新技术及优秀节能科研成果;

l       举办国内外节能科技成果、节能产品研讨会和展销会,及时向国家主管部门提出产品和技术的引进建议。

Introduction of CECA


Founded in 1984, registered and approved by State Civil Ministry, CECA is a self-constrained, non-profit social entity. CECA devotes itself to efficient utilization of energy, environment protection and advancing economic profit, and help to enhance the energy efficiency technology and energy efficiency product of China to the world advanced level. CECA obeys the leadership of National Development and Reform Commission, Science and Technology Ministry and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC. CECA has many enterprise members.

The main business scope of CECA is as follows:

Ÿ          Investigating and studying the status on energy exploitation and utilization in China for providing the government with the references in working out the macro policies, and for serving the enterprises in consulting

Ÿ          Introducing and propagandizing energy conservation and raw material conservation policies in China for reducing energy consumption and improve energy efficiency.

Ÿ          Collecting, editing and exchanging information and advanced technology concerning energy conservation and raw material conservation, and publishing relative publications.

Ÿ          Organizing special experts to exploit energy efficiency technology, environmental protection technology and new energy resources and relative products, put energy conservation, raw material conservation and resources comprehensive utilization technology and environmental protection technology, new processing methods, new materials and new products into use, and other payable services.

Ÿ          Versatile trainings and disciplining for stressing administrations’ and technicians’ understanding to the role of energy conservation in economy development and environment protection in order to raise their abilities in administration and technology.

Ÿ          Committed by the government, introducing advanced energy efficiency products, new energy efficiency technologies and energy efficiency scientific research results to the public all over China.

Ÿ          Organizing variety types of seminars and expositions concerning energy efficiency scientific research results energy efficiency products in domestic and foreign countries together with relevant foreign entities.


地     址:北京市北三环东路18号12号楼301室 

邮     编:100013


联  系 人:蒋芸

电子邮箱 :ceca@cecaweb.org.cn


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